Mihaly Land Design has always been focused on the art of crafting new communities as a core service offered by our company. We have expertise with single-family residential neighborhoods, townhomes, condominiums and apartments, as well as innovative mixed use communities. We design with the user experience in mind, to create places that residents will be proud to call home. This means creating plans that are cohesive and well connected, with easily accessible amenities and park spaces where possible, and with a consistent character and identity that is aesthetically pleasing as well. Some of our plans are more conventional, while some take on a neo-traditional, neo-urbanist approach, or a combination of both. For mixed use projects, we create plans in which residential, commercial and office components are interconnected and relatable without interfering with each other.Our community planning work responds to the individual real estate markets where our projects are located. With today’s changes in the global real estate marketplace, creative residential and resort product offerings are required to address the new buyer’s needs, aspirations and expectations. We can help the client determine which combination of housing types, price range and density is most suitable for the site and target market.We also believe that stewardship of a location’s natural resources, through the careful crafting of community, will lead to legacy environments that transcend the current trends of sustainability. Accordingly, environmentally responsible design is a cornerstone upon which we build our designs. Each site has unique geographical and ecological characteristics which must be integrated into the community. Doing so is not only good for sustainability and preservation; it also helps create places that are unique and memorable. |